Indians Top UK Migrant List in 2023

Indians emerged as the largest group of migrants in the UK in 2023, as per a report from the Office of National Statistics (ONS). In 2023, 2,50,000 Indian citizens moved to the UK for job or education purposes.

The news is more surprising because despite a 10% dip in annual migration, Indians have emerged as the largest migrant group in the UK.

Year Number of Migrants in the UK
2023 764,000
2022 685,000

Other than India; Nigeria, China, Pakistan and Zimbabwe are the 4 four other top sources of migration in the UK.

Number of Migrant Indians in 2023:

Number of Migrant Indians 2,50,000
Job Purpose 1,27,000
Education 1,15,000

In 2023, 337,240 work visas were granted in the UK along with 1,14,409 graduate visas. Among the granted graduate visas, 50,503 were Indians.

In 2023, Indians received the highest number of study visas.

So, this is the overall news of Indians migrating to the UK for study and job purposes.

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