Canada Extends Stay for 6700 International Students

There is good news for international students who are currently staying in Canada for studying purposes. With a significant step, taken by the Canadian government, international students have been permitted to stay in Canada for an extended two-year period that can ultimately pave the way for permanent residency (PR) there.

International students who are currently studying in Canada have hailed the significant shift in the policy. According to them, the move will recognise the contribution of international students in Canada.

The policy change has given relief to 6,700 international students whose study permit is about to expire.

From the side of the Canadian government, the minister of the Immigration department, Marc Miller and Denica Faith announced the extension. Mr. Miller said the present Canadian government has given importance to international students and it wants the international students to thrive in Canada.

The new policy framework has been crafted to transform Temporary Work Permits into Permanent Residency and to attract international students to Canada.

Impact of The Policy Change in Canada

The shift in Policy will have certain impacts in the upcoming days.

  • An immediate solution to skilled worker shortage.
  • Bringing talent and intelligent minds to Canada.
  • Canada will bloom as a multicultural society.

The shift in policy by the Canadian government is two-way beneficial. Talented students can gradually become permanent residents of Canada with a temporary post-study work permit. The Canadian government can also fulfil its skilled worker shortage and attract innovative minds from all over the world.

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